IT Process Automation: How ITPA Works & Why It's a Must-Have

Explore IT process automation and IT process automation software, key to modern business efficiency and growth, in our insightful blog.

Dan Sharp

President & CEO

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the never-ending tasks and complexities in your business? Imagine a world where technology does the heavy lifting for you. That's where IT process automation (ITPA) steps in. ITPA is not just a trend; it's a game-changer in the world of modern business.

In this blog, you'll dive into the dynamic world of IT process automation. You'll explore how it has evolved from a helpful tool to an essential component of business success. 

You're also about to uncover the secrets of IT process automation and IT process automation software, and why they're not just nice-to-haves but must-haves in today's competitive landscape.

ITPA definition: What is IT process automation?

What is ITPA & how does IT process automation work? 

IT process automation (ITPA) refers to the use of software to automate complex and repetitive tasks within an organization's IT infrastructure. This technology streamlines various IT operations, such as network management, system monitoring, software deployment, and data backup. Thus, ITPA effectively reduces manual intervention, thereby minimizing errors and increasing efficiency.

Moreover, business process automation ensures that routine IT tasks are performed consistently and swiftly, freeing up your IT team to focus on more strategic initiatives. This automation not only optimizes your IT processes but also enhances overall business productivity and reliability. By automating mundane tasks, ITPA contributes to better resource management and can significantly reduce operational costs.

In essence, IT process automation is a strategic approach to managing and improving your IT infrastructure, making it a pivotal component for businesses seeking to leverage technology for growth and efficiency.

5 types of process automation for businesses

5 types of process automation

In the evolving world of technology, process automation has become an integral part of businesses like yours, streamlining operations and enhancing efficiency. Let's dive into the different types of process automation, each serving a unique purpose in the IT landscape.

1. Basic automation

This is where your journey into automation begins. Basic automation involves setting up simple tasks that run on their own. Think of it as setting up email filters or automated bill payments.

In a business setting, this could involve automating data entry tasks or scheduling regular data backups. It's about taking those repetitive, straightforward tasks and letting technology handle them, so your team can focus on more complex issues.

2. Robotic process automation (RPA)

RPA takes basic automation a step further. It uses software robots, or 'bots', to replicate the actions of a human interacting with digital systems. These bots can handle tasks like logging into applications, entering data, calculating, and completing other routine tasks.

For example, in customer service, RPA can automatically respond to simple customer inquiries without human intervention, drastically reducing response times.

3. Intelligent automation (IA)

This type integrates artificial intelligence (AI) with RPA, allowing the automation of more complex tasks that require decision-making. Unlike basic RPA, which follows a set script, IA can learn and adapt.

For instance, it can be used in analyzing customer feedback, where it not only collects data but also interprets the sentiments and nuances of customer responses.

4. Business process automation (BPA)

BPA is all about enhancing workflow and improving business processes. It's a broader type of automation that focuses on end-to-end processes, rather than individual tasks.

BPA can streamline an entire process, like employee onboarding, which involves multiple steps and departments. By automating this process, you ensure consistency, accuracy, and efficiency, making the experience smoother for both employees and HR staff.

5. Industrial automation

This type applies more to manufacturing and industrial sectors. It involves using control systems, like computers or robots, and technology for handling different processes and machinery in an industry. It's about improving efficiency, productivity, and safety in industrial operations.

For example, in a manufacturing plant, industrial automation might control the operation of machinery, ensuring precise and consistent production output.

Advantages of investing in automating processes

Benefits of IT process automation tools for common process workflows

Aside from knowing how ITPA works and the different types of process automation, let's break down how automating IT processes fuels business growth, in a way that's straightforward and relevant to your business needs.

Streamlining operations for efficiency

One of the primary benefits of IT process automation software is the streamlining of operations. Automation can handle repetitive and time-consuming tasks with ease. Think about the daily grind of data entry, scheduling, or system maintenance.

By automating these processes, your team is freed up to focus on more strategic tasks. This efficiency isn’t just about doing things faster; it's about doing them smarter. For example, automated data entry reduces the risk of human error, ensuring your data is accurate and reliable.

Scalability and flexibility

As your business grows, scalability becomes crucial. ITPA makes scaling your operations easier and more efficient. Automated systems can be quickly adjusted to handle increased workloads or changing business requirements without the need for extensive manual intervention.

This flexibility means you can respond to market changes swiftly, giving you a competitive edge. Imagine launching a new product; ITPA can instantly update your systems to handle new customer inquiries, orders, and service requests.

Cost reduction and ROI

Implementing ITPA can lead to significant cost savings. While there's an initial investment in setting up automation processes, the long-term savings are substantial. By automating tasks, you reduce the need for manual labor, which lowers operational costs.

Additionally, automation minimizes errors, which in turn reduces the costs associated with fixing these mistakes. Think about the expense of correcting a flawed customer order versus getting it right the first time with automated checks.

Enhancing customer experience

In the digital age, customer expectations are higher than ever. IT process automation software helps you meet these expectations by providing consistent, efficient, and personalized customer service.

Automated systems can quickly process customer requests, provide timely responses, and even offer personalized recommendations based on customer data. This level of service not only satisfies customers but also fosters loyalty and repeat business.

Data-driven decision making

Data is a critical asset in modern business, and ITPA helps you harness its power. Automation tools can collect, analyze, and report on vast amounts of data, providing valuable insights into your business operations.

These insights enable informed decision-making, allowing you to identify trends, anticipate market changes, and make strategic adjustments to your business model. For instance, automated reporting on sales data can reveal which products are performing well, guiding your future product development and marketing strategies.

Enhancing security and compliance

In an era where data breaches are a significant concern, IT process automation software plays a vital role in enhancing security. Automated systems can monitor your network for unusual activity, quickly identify potential threats, and implement security protocols without human intervention.

Additionally, automation ensures compliance with regulations by consistently applying rules and processes across your organization. For example, automating the process of data protection ensures that customer information is handled in compliance with privacy laws.

Fostering innovation

Finally, ITPA fosters a culture of innovation. By automating routine tasks, your team can dedicate more time to creative and strategic thinking. This shift in focus can lead to the development of new products, services, and business models, driving growth and keeping your business ahead of the curve.

Top IT process automation software to have in 2023

Best IT process automation software in 2023

As you consider automating your processes, make sure to evaluate the best IT process automation software you can use to make it happen. Here's our list of top 5 automation solutions: 


UiPath is a leader in the realm of RPA. It's designed to automate repetitive tasks across various applications. Its user-friendly interface allows you to design workflows with ease.

UiPath excels in scalability, enabling you to expand automation as your business grows. For example, you can start on simple data entry tasks and gradually move to more complex processes like customer data management.

Automation Anywhere

Automation Anywhere is another top-tier RPA software known for its powerful AI capabilities. It combines traditional RPA with cognitive elements like natural language processing and machine learning.

This means it can handle more complex tasks that require understanding context or making decisions. Imagine having a system that not only inputs data but can also analyze customer feedback to improve services.

Blue Prism

Blue Prism offers a more enterprise-focused approach to RPA. It’s known for its security and compliance features, making it a great choice for industries with stringent regulatory requirements.

Blue Prism automates end-to-end processes, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Think of it as a digital workforce that manages your back-office tasks while complying with all industry regulations.

Microsoft Power Automate

Formerly known as Microsoft Flow, Power Automate is ideal for integrating and automating workflows across various Microsoft applications and third-party services. It’s particularly beneficial for businesses heavily invested in the Microsoft ecosystem.

Power Automate allows you to automate tasks between Microsoft services like Outlook, SharePoint, and Teams, streamlining communication and collaboration within your team.


Pega is not just an automation tool; it's a comprehensive BPM platform. It offers a mix of RPA and digital process automation (DPA), making it versatile for various business needs.

Pega is great for automating complex, multi-step processes, offering advanced analytics to continuously improve and optimize these processes.

How to start an IT process automation?

Implementing IT process automation: A step-by-step guide

Integrating IT process automation or using IT process automation software into your business doesn't have to be daunting. Follow these practical steps to seamlessly incorporate automation and boost your operational efficiency.

  • Assess your needs: Start by identifying the areas in your business that could benefit most from automation. This could be anything from data entry to customer service inquiries.
  • Choose the right tool: Research and select an IT process automation tool that fits your specific needs. Consider factors like ease of use, scalability, and integration capabilities.
  • Define clear objectives: Set specific, measurable goals for what you want to achieve with automation. This might include reducing response times or increasing data accuracy.
  • Plan your implementation: Develop a detailed plan for rolling out automation. This should include timelines, resources needed, and who will be responsible for each step.
  • Test and train: Before fully implementing, test the automation process in a controlled environment. Train your team on how to use the new tools effectively.
  • Go live carefully: Start with a phased approach, implementing automation in stages rather than all at once. This helps to identify and fix any issues early on.
  • Monitor and optimize: Continuously monitor the performance of your automated processes. Gather feedback and make adjustments to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Document everything: Keep detailed records of your automation strategies, changes made, and results achieved. This documentation is vital for tracking progress and planning future expansions or updates.
Make the right decision with Infoware!

Join the IT process automation revolution with Infoware

Meet Infoware, your go-to expert in the realm of IT process automation. With over 40 years of experience, our team stands out in the IT landscape, especially in the Greater Toronto Area. 

From IT infrastructure services to cloud solutions, particularly Microsoft Azure, our company has demonstrated a remarkable ability to understand and address the unique IT needs of small to mid-sized businesses. We're renowned for our swift response times, with an impressive 10-minute average, and a 99.9% uptime guarantee. This means your business experiences minimal disruptions and maximum productivity.

What truly sets us apart is our deep understanding of sectors like professional services and law firms, coupled with our proactive approach to IT management and cybersecurity. This expertise has earned us a stellar customer satisfaction score and the trust of industry giants.

Are you ready to transform your business with our IT process automation solutions? Contact us at 416-360-2646 or send an email to 

Frequently asked questions

What are some common processes that can be automated in businesses?

Automation is revolutionizing how businesses operate by streamlining tasks that were once manual and time-consuming. Key processes suitable for automation include asset management, where technology can track and manage assets efficiently, reducing errors and freeing up valuable time.

Another area is request management, where automation facilitates the handling of internal and external requests, improving response times and overall service quality. Additionally, workflow automation plays a significant role in automating complex business processes, ensuring a smooth, efficient flow of tasks across various departments.

How do automation technologies enhance workflow management?

Automation technologies bring a transformative impact to workflow management. By implementing tools like IT process automation (ITPA) software and ITPA tools, businesses can automate complex processes and workflows, significantly reducing bottlenecks.

This use of technology to automate not only streamlines operations but also provides top-of workflow updates, ensuring that all team members are on the same page. This technology to automate complex business processes leads to increased process efficiency, allowing for more strategic and creative work.

In what ways are businesses suitable for automation?

Most modern businesses are suitable for automation, especially in areas that involve repetitive and rule-based tasks. Automation comes into play significantly in process management, where it ensures consistent application of business rules and practices. Moreover, the integration of hardware and software in automation systems enables a more robust and seamless operation.

For instance, automating IT processes like network monitoring or data analysis can significantly reduce manual effort while increasing accuracy. Automation also brings about change management, allowing businesses to adapt more quickly to market changes or internal shifts.

Can automation tools be customized to fit business needs?

Absolutely! Automation tools can always be tailored to specific business needs and processes, making them highly flexible and customizable. These tools are designed with modularity in mind, allowing for easy integration into existing systems.

Moreover, most automation tools have user-friendly interfaces, making them accessible to all levels within an organization. This facilitates the creation of customized workflows, ensuring that automation fits seamlessly into existing business processes while meeting specific requirements.

How can businesses implement automation?

The first step towards implementing automation in a business is identifying areas that require streamlining and optimization. From there, research for suitable automation tools and evaluate their cost-effectiveness.

The next step is to integrate the chosen automation tool into existing systems and workflows, ensuring compatibility and seamless operation. Finally, it is essential to train employees on how to use the new technology effectively and monitor its performance to ensure desired results are achieved. Implementing automation in a business requires careful planning, but the benefits far outweigh any initial challenges.