SOM Case Study

This case study details how Shields O’Donnell MacKillop transformed their IT infrastructure and client service with Infoware’s managed IT services and cloud solutions. You'll learn how their partnership with us led to enhanced stability, responsive support, and improved operational efficiency for their leading boutique law firm.


“Infoware’s team is highly responsive, and the dedicated,onsite service we receive helps resolve issues and keepsour team up and running.” — Hendrik Nieuwland, Partner at Shields O’Donnell MacKillop

About the Firm

Shields O’Donnell MacKillop is a leading boutique law firm that focuses on employment andlabor law. They represent businesses of all sizes in a wide range of areas and act for both unionand non-unionized employers. Their extensive experience, practical advice and advocacy skillsare highly respected in the legal community.

The Need For a Solution

Shields O’Donnell MacKillop understands the need to innovate and stay current with newtechnology in order to grow and advance their practice. To that end, they made the moveto a cloud-hosted IT environment a few years ago with their former IT Services provider.Unfortunately, their move to the cloud resulted in connectivity issues and other disruptions.

Providing efficient service to their clients is a top priority for the firm, so they began searchingfor a new IT provider that they could rely on for all of their IT services needs, especially cloudmanagement.

Finding the Right Provider

Having been a previous customer of Infoware’s IT Services, Shields O’Donnell MacKillopincluded them in the search process. The pre-existing relationship, solid IT expertise andknowledge of their capabilities were ultimately the deciding factors in the firm returning toInfoware.

Hendrik Nieuwland, partner at Shields O’Donnell MacKillop, said: “Infoware presenteda great case as to why we should hire them again. And since they knew our firm so well already,it made sense. That, plus their wide-ranging experience with law firms in Toronto, gave us theconfidence to enlist their services again.”

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The Results Are In

‍Shields O’Donnell MacKillop signed on for our Complete Managed IT Services plan, whichincludes server monitoring, monthly onsite support and, of course, cloud services. After makingthe switch back to Infoware, the firm’s technology is running smoother than ever. “Our ITenvironment is stable, Infoware’s team is highly responsive, and the dedicated, onsite service wereceive helps resolve issues and keeps our team up and running,” said Mr. Nieuwland.

‍The stability and responsive assistance provided by Infoware to Shields O’Donnell MacKillophas made a huge difference to their firm. Mr. Nieuwland added that he would “definitelyrecommend our services” to friends and colleagues looking for a reliable IT Services provider.

About Infoware

Infoware provides predictable, worry-free Managed IT Services at fixed monthly fees for lawfirms and professional service organizations. Infoware also designs document automationsolutions that optimize and customize Microsoft® Word, enabling legal professionals to achievedramatic improvements in document quality, consistency and productivity.